The Best Ever CRE Show

If you’re a real estate agent and looking for home sellers, John has some tips for you today. His tips are applicable across many areas of business, and can help you get noticed online. These are definitely aggressive tips, not for everyone, but they are proven to work.


Best Ever Tweet:

“The most targeted you can get, is targeting your competitors” - John Crestani


John Crestani Background:

  • Self made millionaire, at 29 has unlocked the secret to unshackling yourself from the drone work of a 9-5 job
  • Used Ferriss’s tips to build an affiliate marketing network that generates $250,000 to $500,000 per month
  • Based in Los Angeles, California
  • Say hi to him at

Made Possible Because of Our Best Ever Sponsors:


Fund That Flip provides short-term fix and flip loans to experienced investors. If you're looking for a reliable funding partner, their online platform makes the entire process super easy, and they can get you funded in as few as 7 days.

They've also partnered with best-selling author, J Scott to provide Bestever listeners a free chapter from his new book on negotiating real estate. If you'd like to improve your bestever negotiating skills, visit to download your free negotiating guide today.

Direct download: JF_1167_John_Crestani.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:17am EDT