The Best Ever CRE Show

As a clinical psychologist, Dr. Shuster deals with patients that have a variety of mental health issues. Even still, his focus when working with them, is helping them to the best of his ability. He tells us that by adopting that mindset, and putting others first, we will inevitably achieve whatever it is we are trying to achieve. We’ll also get some tips on how to connect with people, and why it feels good to help other people succeed. If you enjoyed today’s episode remember to subscribe in iTunes and leave us a review!


Best Ever Tweet:

“If we help others achieve their goals, we’re gonna achieve ours by default” - Dr. Richard Shuster


Dr. Richard Shuster Background:

  • Clinical psychologist & Host of the Daily Helping Podcast, whose guests helps listeners become the best version of themselves
  • As a media expert, his clinical expertise and podcast have been featured in The Huffington Post, Reader’s Digest and many more
  • He conducts forensic and neuropsychological assessments for children and adults.
  • Worked with patients from the Cleveland Clinic and assessed NFL players as part of the league’s concussion protocol with his work in neuropsychology
  • Recent article quoted in
  • Based in
  • Say hi to him at
  • Best Ever Book: The One Thing by Jay Papasan

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