The Best Ever CRE Show
JF52: A Different Kind of Due Diligence

We all think about due diligence as research on the property we’re going to buy. But, today’s Best Ever guest talks about the importance of conducting more due diligence on his team than the market or property. And he would know because he has invested in Australia, Kansas City, Upstate New York and Ohio…so he’s implemented this advice successfully many times over.

Tweetable quote:

Do more due diligence on your team than your market.

Engelo Rumora’s real estate background:

-        Started with $40,000 in savings and bought first house in 2011 in Australia

-        Then, 6 months later purchased 7 more in Australia and the U.S.

-        Portfolio is valued over $1,000,000

-        Can be found at

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