The Best Ever CRE Show
JF785: Door Knocking to $20 Million in Sales Volume and How He Built a HUGE Following

While being on track to rake in $20 million in sales volume our guest also purchases about three homes a year! Ex pro basketball player has found a competitive niche in real estate and is claiming even a larger team of sales professionals, hear how he built such a great following!

Best Ever Tweet:

You need to do the opposite of what others are doing.

Bryan Casella Real Estate Background:

- Broker Associate at I Heart Real Estate Inc
- 3 years in the real estate business, on track to sell $20 million in volume this year
- Ex-professional basketball player in Europe
- Based in Los Angeles, California
- Say hi to him at
- Best Ever Book: How to Develop a 6 Figure Income by Mike Ferry

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Direct download: JF2078520Bryan20Casella.mp3
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