The Best Ever CRE Show
JF85: Listen to Appraisal Advice from a Billion Dollar Appraiser

From appraisal terminology explained in easy-to-understand ways, to successful case studies and adding value to properties, today’s Best Ever guest lends you his appraisal expertise. And, of course, his Best Advice!

Tweetable quote:


Create premiums for your property. Like grass in Phoenix.



Cameron Palmer’s real estate background:

-        Holds an MAI designation from the Appraisal Institute and is a certified general real estate appraiser in Arizona

-        Performed valuation services for over $1 billion of real estate

-        Specializes in multifamily with an emphasis in highest and best use analysis, fundamental market analysis and discounted cash flow analysis


-        Say hi to him at 480-993-7488



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