The Best Ever CRE Show
JF609: What Mobile Home Parks Can Yield in Cash Flow

Mobile home parks are very lucrative investments as they don'trequire as much maintenance as an apartment community. Our guesthas the experience in putting together mobile home park deals andhe is going to share how he closed on three worth approximately$1.5 million. Hear his advice and consider mobile homeinvesting!

Best Ever Tweet:

You have to get over the doubt and the fear.

Robert San Luis real estate background:

  • Been an investor and entrepreneur for over 25 years
  • Focused on mobile home syndications and has owned 3 mobile homeparks in Texas worth roughly $1.5M
  • Author of Wealth Without WallStreet
  • Based in Newport Beach, California
  • Say hi to him at
  • His Best Ever book: PitchAnything by Oren Klaff

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Listen to all episodes and get a FREE crash course onreal estate investing at:

Need financing?

Are you a buy-and-hold investor or doing fix andflips?

I recommend talking to Lima One Capital. A Best EverGuest told me about them after I asked how he financed 10properties in one year. They are an asset-based lender with uniqueprograms for long-term hold and fix and flippers.

Click tolearn more or, better yet, reach out to Cortney Newmans at LimaOne Capital. His cell is 404.824.6121.

Subscribe to Joe’s YouTube Channel here to learnmultifamily and raising money tips:

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Direct download: JF2060920Robert20San20Luis.mp3
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