The Best Ever CRE Show

Cheryl was located in NYC, and found it very difficult to separate herself from every other agent in the city, and there is a lot! She started staging for additional income. It definitely helped her income, as she is now wildly successful, staging homes for very high profile people. Cheryl shares a lot of great information for us to take in today. If you enjoyed today’s episode remember to subscribe in iTunes and leave us a review!


Best Ever Tweet:

Don’t get something that needs an enormous amount of work.


Cheryl Eisen Background:

  • President, Interior Marketing Group, Inc.; a Premier Luxury Real Estate Staging Firm
  • Helps move billions of real estate each year with doing $1B in real estate in 2016 alone
  • Some clients include Kim & Kanye West, Ivanka Trump & Jared Kushner, Bethenny Frankel, Paris Hilton
  • Recently expanded to Turn-Key Furniture Rental and Interior Design services, providing the same expedited luxury interiors for long-term rentals and permanent living
  • Based in New York, NY
  • Say hi to her at
  • Best Ever Book: The Start-up Playbook

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They've also partnered with best-selling author, J Scott to provide Bestever listeners a free chapter from his new book on negotiating real estate. If you'd like to improve your bestever negotiating skills, visit to download your free negotiating guide today.

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