The Best Ever CRE Show

Brian was seeing his clients make all this money with great tax benefits through real estate. He started taking action, eventually leaving his CPA job to be a full time investor. Now Brian has a portfolio of single family homes as well as small and large multi-family apartment communities.  If you enjoyed today’s episode remember to subscribe in iTunes and leave us a review!


Best Ever Tweet:

“At the end of the day, I want to work with people who want to work with me.” - Brian Adams


Brian Adams Real Estate Background:

- Founding member of Adams Investor Group, LLC a company dedicated to creating wealth for others so that my clients make safe and consistent profits

- Practicing certified public accountant (CPA) specializing in real estate taxation and forensic accounting

- His team currently owns single family homes and small and large multi-family apartment complexes

- Began investing in real estate including focusing on asset management for investors 10 years ago

- Based in Glen Mills, Pennsylvania

- Say hi to him at:

- Best Ever Book: E-Myth Revisited

Made Possible Because of Our Best Ever Sponsors:


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Direct download: JF_1194_Brian_Adams.mp3
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