The Best Ever CRE Show

Scott and his colleagues realized that there is a massive amount of bad information on the internet when it comes to asset protection. He set out to find and teach others a better way. Today Scott is here to tell us about setting up a series LLC to protect your assets, hide ownership, and not cause you a headache with your taxes. If you enjoyed today’s episode remember to subscribe in iTunes and leave us a review!


Best Ever Tweet:

“People seem to think that insurance coverage is enough” - Scott Smith


Scott Smith Background:

-Owner of Royal Legal Solutions, provides business, tax, and legal solutions exclusively for real estate investors

-Spent 8-years deconstructing real estate investing, developed strategies to protect your assets from devastating lawsuits, maximize tax savings, and more

-Prior to RLS he was an aggressive litigator who brought suit against major insurance companies

-Say hi to him at

-Based in Austin, Texas

-Best Ever Book: Four Hour Work Week by Tim Ferris



Made Possible Because of Our Best Ever Sponsors:

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Direct download: JF_1275_-_Scott_Smith.mp3
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