The Best Ever CRE Show

Cory is with us today to share his story of scaling his business. He started in the same position as many new investors, from bird dogging to wholesaling and then on from there, Cory has faced a lot of the same problems other have faced or will face as they try to grow into the real estate investing industry. Hear how he has overcome obstacles, and how he stayed focused enough to eventually sell over $100 Million in real estate transactions. 

 Cory Boatright Real Estate Background:

  • Real estate investing coach and investor
  • Has completed over 1000 real estate transactions, owns/manages over 422 apartment units via syndication, and sold over 100 million in real estate transactions
  • Based in Oklahoma City, OK
  • Say hi to him at or 
  • Best Ever Book: Modern Day Jonah


Best Ever Tweet:

“Usually you want to go the cheapest route but with multifamily you may not” - Cory Boatright

The Best Ever Conference is approaching quickly and you could earn your ticket for free.

Simply visit and sign up to be an affiliate to start earning 15% of every ticket you sell. 

Our fourth annual conference will be taking place February 20-22 in Keystone, CO. We’ll be covering the higher level topics that our audience has requested to hear.

Direct download: JF_1874_Cory_Boatright.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00am EDT