The Best Ever CRE Show

Theo concludes this series with his final tips for aspiring syndicators who are planning to attend the Best Ever Conference in Keystone, CO on February 20-22, 2020. You know what to bring, what to wear, and have defined an outcome… now what? Theo explains how to set your schedule and get quality face to face time with high-demand speakers.

Best Ever Tweet:

“You’re going to want to implement any lessons you learned from the Best Ever Conference immediately because that’s when you’re going to have the most motivation.” - Theo Hicks

The Best Ever Conference is approaching quickly and you could earn your ticket for free.

Simply visit and sign up to be an affiliate to start earning 15% of every ticket you sell. 

Our fourth annual conference will be taking place February 20-22 in Keystone, CO. We’ll be covering the higher level topics that our audience has requested to hear.

Direct download: JF_1983_-_SS_120_-_Series_57_Part_2.mp3
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