The Best Ever CRE Show
JF461: Best Online Lending Series Ever: Episode 1 of 2

You have a deal, you nailed the numbers, and you lack just one thing...funding! Welcome to our two part series unearthing the mysteries of online lending. The cautions, the steps to closing, and even what you need before submission for money are what you'll hear in this show. Our Best Ever guests even want you to join Fund That Flip BEFORE YOU SNAG A DEAL! So jump on!

Best Ever Tweet:

If you don't have any experience, you are not getting any money.

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Made Possible Because of Our Best Ever Sponsors:

You find the deals. We’ll fund them. Yes, it’s that simple. Fund That Flip is an online lender that provides fast and affordable capital to real estate investors. We make funding your projects easy so you can focus on what you do best…rehabilitating homes. Learn more at

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Go to and find a better health plan in 10 minutes or less. On average you’ll save $418 on coverage and care.

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