The Best Ever CRE Show
JF448: How He Started with Nothing and Made 12 Million in Real Estate Part Time

He recently sold a property for six times the amount he bought it for! He's says it wasn't a difficult thing, just a series of wise decisions and being in the right place at the right time. Our Best Ever guest had a 90% LTV for property number one, and now pays cash years later. He looked into certain types of inspections that would give him an edge on negotiating a deal. Being savvy in the development space, he could purchase "unbuildable" lots and make them build-able. $12 million dollars later...he's now looking to liquidate. You have to hear his 40 years of experience in this show!

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Get as much knowledge as you can about properties…try to minimize mistakes and making errors.

David Krulac's Real Estate Background:

  • Bought and sold over 900 properties for her own personal inventory
  • Wrote a 342 page book titled, How I Started with Nothing and Made $12 Million in Real Estate
  • Say hi to him at and
  • Based in Mechancicsburg, PA (outside of Harrisburg)

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