The Best Ever CRE Show

If you think you’re in a tough spot, listen to Jorge’s story, or even better, read about it in his book Burn Zones. He lost it all and made a company inspired from that loss. American Homeowner Preservation buys distressed and non-performing notes, and works with the families to either stay in their homes, or get out from under them without foreclosure. If you enjoyed today’s episode remember to subscribe in iTunes and leave us a review!


Best Ever Tweet:

Be patient, the markets are cyclical


Jorge Newbery

  • Founder and CEO of American Homeowner Preservation LLC
  • Utilizes Regulation A+ to crowdfund the purchase of nonperforming mortgages from banks at big discounts
  • Accepts both accredited and non-accredited investors, and the minimum investment is just $100
  • After natural disaster in ‘04 left him $26M in debt and now helps others to rebuild after unaffordable debt
  • Regular contributor to Huffington Post and Author of Burn Zones and Debt Cleanse
  • Based in Chicago, Illinois
  • Say hi to him at
  • Best Ever Book: Fierce Conversations


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They've also partnered with best-selling author, J Scott to provide Bestever listeners a free chapter from his new book on negotiating real estate. If you'd like to improve your bestever negotiating skills, visit to download your free negotiating guide today.

Direct download: JF_1126_Jorge_Newbery.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:57am EDT