The Best Ever CRE Show

Joe and Theo are back answering YOUR questions that have been sent in throughout the week! Get the weekly update on their businesses right now. If you enjoyed today’s episode remember to subscribe in iTunes and leave us a review!


Best Ever Tweet:

Everything’s negotiable


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Fund That Flip provides short-term fix and flip loans to experienced investors. If you're looking for a reliable funding partner, their online platform makes the entire process super easy, and they can get you funded in as few as 7 days.

They've also partnered with best-selling author, J Scott to provide Bestever listeners a free chapter from his new book on negotiating real estate. If you'd like to improve your bestever negotiating skills, visit to download your free negotiating guide today.

Direct download: JF_1144_Follow_Along_Friday.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:15pm EDT